Review – Dishonored
The bed-chambers of Buckingham Palace must be copiously supplied with blindfolds!
Review – Dishonored
The bed-chambers of Buckingham Palace must be copiously supplied with blindfolds!
Review – Portal 2
First-Person Puzzle
It’s not made from plants, it’s made from chemicals by sick bastards.
Awards, yeah?
Yes, my dears, it’s that time of year again where we take a look back at all the games released in the huge ball ache of a year that was 2010. Some where good, some where bad and some where Army of Two: Ladyboys Wreck Your Shit Whilst Raping Pandas.
Just like last year we’ve broken the nominations down into different sections based on style, hardware format and the like with each one getting up to three votes from you with your first choice being your preferred preference and so on. Additional comments are always welcome ans we’ll use them where we can.
We’ve included a few new categories this year to reflect changes in the gaming scene along with all your old favourites like the ‘LOL@’ and ‘Lemon’ so be sure to check our REVIEWS and MINI REVIEWS sections for a reminder of some the games eligible for nomination.
So have your say and get your votes in before December 31st 2010 to THIS address.
Review – Call of Duty: Black Ops
1st Person Shooter
Review – Limbo
You can be a king or a lowly road sweeper but sooner or later…
Review – Alan Wake
Survival Horror, Action
You put the lime in the coconut and drink ’em both up.