- Peoww News
Reflecting the global economic downturn, GAME Group’s financial results to the end of June 2011 show a net increase in loss to £51m for the first half of the year.
Quoting the CEO statement on the same page:
“Very few major software titles launched in the period, with only LA Noire achieving sales in excess of £20m in the UK.”
If it shows anything, it’s how dependent the sector is on so-called AAA titles and the months leading up to Christmas. Although if this is the state of the elephant in the room of highstreet game retail, it must be even bleaker for the smaller groups like CEX, Grainger Games and the independent retailers out there (although to be fair GAME are fucking shit – Ed).
Though the last time this correspondent bought a game at launch in one of their stores at anything approaching full price must’ve been this time last year when Dead Rising 2 came out. Ian