Peoww News
We don’t need to be persuadatroned in order to pledge our very lives to the original Syndicate game. With it’s mix of action, strategy and cyberpunk, it was one of the best games of the 16-bit era. Syndicate Wars only floated some of our boats though, lacking some of the cohesion and style of its predecessor.
There have been rumours of a sequel in the works for a while now and EA have finally confirmed this and, as in the fucking norm for this generation, it’s going to be a fucking FPS. The game has been entrusted to Riddick and The Darkness developers, Starbreeze, and they’ve been making all the usual noises about how it’ll stay true to the originals (ie: they’ll put in a gauss gun) but there will be none of the corporation building of the first game and instead we can expect “a challenging action shooter for today’s gamers as well as fans of the original.”
Oh God… most of today’s gamers are cocksuckers. They also describe the game as a mix of “fast-paced, futuristic, action shooter”, with a setting and story combined designed to “immerse players in a unique digital world”. What’s unique about it looking like Bladerunner (you know it will).
Still we remain hopeful. Not because of this shit but rather the maybe EA will port the original Syndicate over to XBLA. Or at least make it work on Windows 7.
In the meantime, here’s the best review of Syndicate you’ve ever read. PWOPA! Rich