Peoww News
Word reaches us of a £14.99 (€19.99) pricepoint for Ubisoft’s forthcoming PlayStation3 port of Child of Eden (our 360 review here). No doubt this has nothing to do with the that the K*n*ct-enabled version only sold 34,000 copies in the US during its first month.
It goes without saying that PS3 owners get the now obligatory Move support as well as the likelihood of additional 3D support for those of them that believed the hype and bought into first-gen 3D televisions.
Hopefully Mizuguchi’s visually stunning photosensitive-seizure-em-up will sell a lot better than the 360 version did, as it’s by no means a bad game. The average punter just didn’t know what the hell it was.
I have to confess not having played it for a while. Though that has more to do with the fact I did that Bean Dive so now barely have time to focus on any of the 34 games I started, let alone one in particular. I’ll get back to it someday, I promise. I’m sure the lure of achievements will tempt me back.
Child of Eden is due to be released for PS3 on September 23rd. Ian