Trench Warfare

Peoww News

The majority of Eurozone 360 gamers expecting Double Fine’s XBLA tower defence game Trenched were left disappointed last week due to “unexpected challenges with distribution in some European regions.” Corporate shill Dan Maher (GT:MrPointyHead aka that twat off SentUAMessage) added “Shouldn’t take long!”.

This correspondent’s obvious workaround is to download the game via an alternate US account (zip code 90210, natch) and purchase it that way if you’re desperate to get it.

However, it transpires that the delay has been caused by a 2007 trademark held by a Portuguese boardgame named Trench that’s based in World War 1 too. The copyright is held on boardgames and videogames hence the complication. No doubt they’ll reach a settlement or rename the XBLA game in due course.

Maybe the delay will lead it to being released during a slightly quieter period as we seem to be balls-deep in new Live Arcade content at the moment anyway.     Ian

Microsoft become the devil. Kinect is their trident.

Peoww News

This video by Microsoft’s Enrique de la Garza has the previously-unknown, hateful shill telling us about Microsoft’s plan for Operation: Global Evil / their plan for interactive TV ads using Kinect.  In the awful five minute video he gleefully watches a Coke advert and explains how he can tweet the ad to his friends simply by saying ‘Xbox.  Tweet’ like some sort of hateful robo-cunt.

Then he goes on about Adidas and wanks off about getting extra info from the advert, like some sort of fucking idiot.

Then he fucking starts going on about some fucking awful X-Factor type show and I’m so fucking filled with hate that I have to stop commenting on it before Microsoft have me killed.   This really is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.  Video below.  Be warned, it’s fucking horrible.

Hateful shit.