Peoww News
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. For games PR people anyway. E3 is back and whilst we’re not that fussed with it, we are keeping an eye on proceedings. Follow us on Twitter – @peoww for her pleasure.
In the meantime, I’m without access to Photoshop so here’s a quick, imageless round up of day one.
Microsoft: they just don’t care anymore, do they? Kinect shit flung in the faces of the ‘hardcore’ fans. Seriously, we don’t even know anyone with a Kinect. Well, not anyone who still uses the fucking thing. They showed off Modern Warfare 3. We were bored. M$ were great in 2009 but this is two sucky years in a row.
EA: Battlefield 3 was lapped up by the faithful. Bit too much tank footage for our liking. Then they showed off a very gorgeous looking Mass Effect 3. We were excited until we realised it was a dumbed-down shooter. Reminded us of Vanquish. FROWNY FACE.
Ubisoft: despite being presented by Mr. Cocaine, the most annoying cocksucker we’ve ever seen at E3, Ubisoft rather killed it thanks to a mix of new IPs and decent looking sequels.
Rayman was up first. Looked harmless and Nintendo-flavoured. Not our sort of thing but it seemed alright.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier: looked fucking tremendous. Four-player co-op? Yes please. Looked faithful to the series but ramped up as well. They also announced Ghost Recon: Online which was apparently a free PC standalone game. Nice!
Far Cry 3: after the fucking abortion that was Far Cry 2 this was a welcome return to the jungle. Looked big in every sense. A big game area, amazing graphics, lots to do. Cautiously optimistic.
Brothers In Arms: a lack of gameplay footage scuppered this but it looks like a class-based shooter with possible Borderlands influences. Is by Gearbox, so it could be more of the same. We’re interested. Until they fuck it with awful DLC.
Assassins Creed Revelations: didn’t look very stealthy but the trailer gave us chills. More of the same but very, very slick. Just hoping they ditch the multiplayer bollocks.
Skyrim: the follow up to Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is looking very tasty indeed. The big change seems to be two-handed combat. With each hand being able to use individual weapons or magic. Looks familiar but prettier.
Arkham City: Similar combat and styling to Arkham Asylum but now with added Catwoman. Batman can now glide around the city giving this a bit of a Crackdown flavour. Consider us ‘up for it.’
Sony: on past our bedtime. We’ll talk about them tomorrow.