Review – Mortal Kombat
Play your cards right, you’ll live to talk about it.
Review – Mortal Kombat
Play your cards right, you’ll live to talk about it.
Peoww News
With Sonic’s 20 year anniversary fast approaching (not that Sega needs an excuse or anything), a new, next-generation Sonic game has been announced for late 2011, apparently taking us across his “three defining eras” – the Robotnik era, the Eggman era and the current, post-Cream the Rabbit era.
Similar to Sonic Adventure 2, stages can be played with either Modern, green-eyed Sonic or Classic, chubby Sonic, with appropriate moves depending on the era. It certainly looks like classic Sonic (more so than Sonic 4, at any rate) and 2010’s Sonic Colours was well received, so let’s just hope Sonic Team seeks to emulate the good times, rather than the bad. Adam
Mini Review – Lego Star Wars III
Action/Adventure/Facepalming Comedy for Kids
We’re not just doing it for the money, we’re doing it for a shitload of money!
Peoww News
Various souces (we’re stealing from this one) are suggesting that Nintendo could be announcing a new console at this year’s E3. Details are sketchy/non-existant but expect motion control and proper graphics. If the graphics are better than the 360/PS3 it’ll sell fucking trillions probably.
Which’ll be good for Nintendo seeing as how we haven’t heard word one about the 3DS since the week it got released and are guessing they, like all handhelds, have all reverted to their natural state – hidden away in a desk drawer or something. Rich
Peoww News
Capcom’s original Dead Rising might well be one of PEOWW‘s favourite Xbox 360 titles but we don’t half wish they’d fuck off now. We were less than impressed with the exceptionally lukewarm Dead Rising 2. Mainly thanks to it being the same game as the original but dumbed down for the masses and with the most broken online component ever.
Well now they’ve announced Dead Rising 2: Off The Record, a retelling of the story but with Frank West (the Johnny Knoxville-esque paparazzi from the first game and the XBLA title Dead Rising: Case West). Ugh! Let it go, Capcom. Or at least patch Dead Rising 2 so that we can finish the multiplayer shit.
As PEOWW‘s own Matthew says “Capcom: “Dead Rising 2 was shit, so we’re retconning it and replacing the dull, generic character with Frank West.”
No release date has been given but rest assured, when it gets released we probably won’t bother with it. Rich
Bizarre Creations: Retrospective
Peoww News
Look at this!
Hardware sales (previous week)
PSP – 57,379 (50,479)
3DS – 42,979 (50,710)
PS3 – 27,453 (28,973)
Wii – 10,249 (11,808)
DSi LL – 9,706 (9,760)
DSi – 9,566 (8,604)
Xbox 360 – 1,789 (1,963)
PS2 – 1,996 (1,862)
DS Lite – 629 (730)
PSP go – 696 (616)
The PSP outsold the 3DS in Japan last week. Fucking what?! Actually, this list does have all fifty eight revisions of the DS on their seperately and only one type of PSP, so Ninty are still coining it in with the DS (although surely everyone in Japan owns at least five DS units?).
What’s slightly more remarkable is the country’s need to buy consoles during a huge natural disaster. Rich
Peoww News
Remember the ’90s? I do and all I can remember is fucking revisions of Street Fighter II. That only stopped when Street Fighter 3 came out and that wasn’t much better. Well, Super Street Fighter IV (Street Fighter IV with a few more characters and a slightly worse set of menus) is getting a DLC update. The ‘Arcade’ pack offers a few new characters (Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma are confirmed) as well as some game balancing tweaks.
So a couple of palette swaps and hopefully a much-needed decuntening of Seth? That’s a patch, Capcom. Expect to pay through the fucking nose for this shit. Rich