Peoww News
LA Noire (Rockstar’s upcoming GTA-from-the-other-side-of-the-thin-blue-line-’em-up) is continuing the precedent set by Red Dead Redemption, by offering multiple retailer-specific preorder bonuses. Those who preorder through Play.com will receive a traffic desk case (sounds fun), while GAME customers will gain access to a vice case, along with ability enhancing suits from other outlets.
Now, I’m already of the opinion that preordering a game before you’ve had chance to read a review is generally a bad idea, and ransoming singleplayer content from a narrative-heavy game to entice such behaviour is pretty sleazy. What makes it worse, though, is dividing the content between competing retailers, making it practically impossible for collectors (exactly the kind of people who do preorder) to own the complete product. Adam