Patience -1 for Two Worlds II.

Peoww News

When PEOWW interviewed the CEO of Polish developer Reality Pump about their upcoming sequel to WRPG Two Worlds, one of the questions we didn’t feel the need to ask was, “Will this game actually be coming out in the UK, (you know, the former imperial superpower, permanent member of the UN Security Council and world’s second largest consumer of videogames) or will it keep getting delayed to the point where it isn’t even funny, and eventually just pushed out quietly through and NOWHERE ELSE?” In retrospect, that probably would have been an apt question.Since its release in Europe last year and the US in January, Two Worlds 2 has garnered far more praise than its predecessor and sold over two million copies.

As a fan of the first, I’ve obviously been eager to play it, but a combination of legal troubles for publisher Southpeak, disagreements with co-developer Topware over the release date and at least one act of God have managed to keep it off these shores. It’s finally expected to be released March 1st, exclusively through Amazon (at least they didn’t pick Zavvi).  Adam

Bizarre Creations get their P45s.

Peoww News

Liverpool-based studio, Bizarre Creations, most famous for the brilliant arcadey racing series, Project Gotham Racing, have confirmed their closure, following parent company, Activision-Weyland-Yutani-Blizzard’s failure to find a buyer. BC made their fateful deal with the devil in 2007, after parting ways from Microsoft in the wake of PGR4‘s poor chart performance (apparently bikes + rain =  enough innovation).

The closure comes off the back of dismal sales for both the inspired kart-racer, Blur, and the Bond movie-tie-in-sans-movie, Blood Stone. CEO Bobby Kotick also cited the lack of (promised) tax breaks in the UK as a reason to cease investment in the country. So you can blame the Tories for this, too.

Hard economic realities aside, it fucking sucks to see such a talented company gamble on innovation and lose everything in the process. I, for one, will miss them. For some, though, the worst outcome of the closure will be that the Geometry Wars franchise is now firmly in the hands of Activision – despoiler of all that is righteous and pure in this industry.  Adam

Gaming world wanks self silly over Dead Island trailer.

Peoww News

After being announced yonks ago, open-world zombie survival game, Dead Island, has managed to generate substantial hype with a bleak, stylish CG trailer. This, at a time when the public should by rights treat the announcement of yet another zombie game with the same apathy of a George A. Romero fan hearing he’s just started work on Car Insurance of the Dead, goes to show just how easily gamers are impressed with CG trailers.

The lack of gameplay footage can probably be traced to the Polish developers previous works including the blaverage Call of Juarez series. If you’re expecting Valve-quality, L4D-style co-op, you’re a more optimistic man than I. But regardless of quality, at this point I’m so utterly done with the undead that, frankly, if the zombie apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, I’d probably die of boredom before they had chance to eat my brains.  Adam

Darkness 2 confirmed.

Peoww News

We loved The Darkness.  Not the shitty, ironic rock band that idiots took at face value but rather the natty little FPS featuring our boy Alvarez from Oz demonically taking out mobsters in New York.  For an early 360 title it was quite the triumph, although the multiplayer achievements could literally fuck off.

Anyway, whatever.  Darkness 2 has been confirmed.  Different devs this time and apparently less exploration (I don’t remember The Darkness being at all sprawly).  Could be amazing.

Oh… what’s that?  Cell-shaded you say?  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU…

Guitar Hero chokes on own vomit.

Peoww News

After greedily exploiting the popular but utterly stupid Guitar Hero craze, Activision have decided to can it, and the pointless DJ Hero series too.  This comes after disappointingly low sales of their Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock title and a similarly poor performance by Rock Band 3 indicating that the age of playing songs you don’t like very much on a Fisher Price guitar are over.

Thank fuck for that.  Still, don’t expect the ridiculous torrent of DLC songs to end any time soon.  Not with unconverted tracks by fucking Fallout Boy still waiting to be sold.