Review – Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
I wanna be sedated.
Peoww News
You may have tried PSV Eindhoven at Eurogamer, just as we did. You may have even pre-ordered one. At any rate, Sony have announced that their all-singing-all-dancing handheld will be released on February 22nd 2012 at a frankly extortionate €299 / €249 for the 3G / Wi-fi only models respectively. That’s £261 and £218 in proper money, so no doubt £269 and £229 over here.
Yes, it might be technically impressive, but we can’t help feel that it’s a teeny bit expensive. The high price may be due to local VAT & the weak Euro, but still seems a bit inflated. After all, We could buy a bottle of gin for each of our forum regulars and still have change for a 3DS at that price.
In unrelated news, EA have released a patch for FIFA 2012 (our review here) that fixes, amongst other things, the egregious ability to control just your keeper in online games and let the AI handle your outfield players. This can only be good news as in our experience, FIFA online versus randoms is hateful enough as it is. Ian
Peoww News
Or more accurately, the case of the EA account hacking tossbags.
This is more of a public service announcement than anything. Word reaches us of an exploit where people having their XBox Live accounts hacked and stored credit card information being used to buy lots of MS points and subsequently EA Ultimate Team DLC for FIFA 2011. The weak link seems to the EA account end.
Although if they have access there’s nothing to stop them buying any DLC, not just FIFA stuff.
If your password is “12345” then we advise you check your Xbox Live billing page ASAP to check for any unusual activity. Ian
Review – Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection
The onslaught of HD remakes continues.
Peoww News
Microsoft have bought indie developer Twisted Pixel, who brought us XBLA games The Maw, ‘Splosion Man and Missus as well as Comic Jumper. They’ve recently released Kinect title The Gunstringer but we can’t garner any sort of enthusiasm for that nonsense.
No doubt they’ll continue to do much the same thing in a similar vein to Lionhead & Rare post-assimilation, but an (admittedly talented) XBLA dev is hardly on the magnitude of Bungie is it now?
In other news, Sony have announced yet another security breach. Granted it’s on a much smaller scale than the 75m accounts potentially compromised earlier in the year, but it’s yet another reason why we’re loathe to input any sensitive information on to a Sony console or website. Besides the online component being largely blaverage. And the games leaving us cold for the most part. Ian