Midgety Review – Sine Mora
Horizontal Shooter
You know what time it is.
Released early this year, Sine Mora garnered a lot of attention thanks to its exquisite graphics but look behind the surface and you’ve got a dull, unforgiving shooter than hasn’t got a single new idea of its own. With too many bosses, all of which are generic as fuck bullet-sponges and piss-weak firepower at your disposal, the game soon descends into frustration and tedium. A badly-defined hit box and a slow-assed ship don’t help either. Even at half the price (which happened tellingly soon after it was released), this is still not even worth the time it takes to download. Rich

Hard to see plane thing about to get fucked by big robot thing.
Rating: 4/10
This review is midgety as fuck. Want more? There’s my full review at GAMING LIVES.
Oddly enough this will be on Steam soom for £9. I think the only reason anyone gave a crap about this was because Suda51 was backing it.